“Many of us feel deeply that we want to make a difference — we want our lives to mean something in the bigger scheme of life. While this is a noble motive, we might want to explore what lies at its root.

Does the drive to make a difference arise from ego’s need to feel worthy? If my ego is not convinced that I matter, I may want visible proof that I do by making some kind of impact on life.

Soul doesn’t need proof that it’s worthy. Soul thrives in being awake and connected. Perhaps if we let go of the pressure we feel from our ego’s need to be recognized, we will be more open and able to simply live soulfully. And by doing that, we WILL make a difference!”

– excerpt from the Daily Guru (www.TheDailyGuru.com) by Alice Mary Hilton

I LOVE this quote because it is absolutely true. When we are awake, connected and purposeful, letting our true selves shine, we will make a difference for others around us. Tomorrow night is my Activate Your Purpose Telesummit, where you will learn about becoming a warrior of your own purpose.

Click Here for more on what you’ll learn and details for Tuesday, November 13th’s call. “See” you there!