Mindset Monday’s

Hello and welcome to my new blog, Mindset Monday’s! I’m super excited to launch this blog and I hope it’s helpful. Each Monday I intend to post tips, nuggets, facts, activities or quotes about how to master your mindset for success.

I look forward to helping you achieve your deepest desires.

Purposefully Yours,


Creating Affirmations

Is your life or business where you want it to be?

If not, why not?

Have you ever heard the phrase “What you focus on grows?”

What does that mean, anyway?

Success expert, Brian Tracy, says “You become what you think about most of the time.” In other words, if you are focused on what you don’t have, you will only get more of it. For example, if you consistently think about never having enough in your bank account, guess what you will have? Never enough! You’ll have un-paid bills, debt and that extra fun money will be non-existent. But I have good news! If you change what you focus on, the outcome will also change. YOU have the power!

Your thoughts control everything in your life. They affect your relationships, happiness, health and fitness, finances, business…you get the point. Today, you will learn some ways to create and apply affirmations to begin to transform your thoughts AND your results.


How to create affirmations:

Start with the words I am.

When you use the words I am for something that you do not yet have, your unconscious mind sets to work on creating what you say you want.


State it in the positive.

 Your brain focuses on the subject, so your affirmation should focus on what you WANT to create, not what you don’t want. The unconscious thinks in pictures, so when you say to your children “don’t run,” what do they do? RUN! That’s all their minds hear. Instead of “don’t run,” you would want to say “walk.” If you said “I am enjoying no longer being broke,” all the mind would understand is the word “broke.” You could replace that with “I am enjoying abundance,” or “I am a money magnet.”


State it in the present tense, as though you already have what you want to create.

For example: I am enjoying relaxing on my beachfront patio.

Not: I would love to have a house on the beach.


Be specific and write it as if it is already true.

Instead of “I would like new clients this month,” say “I am enjoying my 5 new clients this month!”

Adding “in Malibu, CA,” would add a good specific to the beachfront example above.


Make your statement believable.

 Make your affirmation big enough so you work harder for it, but not so big that it’s too far out of reach.

For example: If you are making $50,000 a year and your affirmation for 2013 is that you will make one million dollars, that’s probably too far out of reach. Your brain will just scoff, say “yeah right, good luck with that,” and forget you even said it.

However, if you said “I am enjoying making $60,000 this year,” that is much more believable and your brain will get to work on ways to earn the extra $10,000.


Go for Emotional Impact.

 The MOST important thing about an affirmation is how it makes you feel. You want emotional impact! If it makes you excited and feel really good, you’re on the right track. If it’s wishy washy (“I wish I….,” “It would be nice if…”), you won’t be excited and won’t go to work to meet the goal.

Pay attention to how you feel when you say your affirmation out loud. If it raises your energy and makes you excited, that’s great! If it doesn’t, play with the words until it makes you smile on the inside 😉


Keep it BRIEF. Many people make the mistake of making their affirmations REALLY long, causing the problem of not being able to remember it. Affirmations work much better when you can actually remember them…haha!

Think of your affirmation as a jingle. Make it short and sweet, and maybe even add a tune to it. Get creative and have fun! The more fun you have with your affirmations, the higher your energy and excitement will be, and the quicker they will work.

I’d love to hear what you come up with and hearing about you taking your life to where you want it to be.


Purposefully Yours,
