A Helping Hand

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”  ~Zig Ziglar

 You’re an entrepreneur. You were born to help others thrive. You want to make a big impact on those around you and the world. So, what are you focusing on?

You didn’t start your own businesses because you thought it would be easy or because you have seen others make gobs of money as entrepreneurs. You started your business because you have a vision. You want to serve, to help others be the best they can be, to help make the world a better place.

So what happens when it’s harder than you think? When your bank account is getting thin? When attracting clients isn’t as easy as you planned? Fear creeps in. Days are spent hustling to get new contacts, hoping someone signs up. The focus becomes “What if I fail? What if I have to go back to a J.O.B.? I have to make money SOON. I need more clients.” In other words, the focus becomes scarcity and lack. Others will sense this, and be turned off, run in the opposite direction, getting you nowhere.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “What you focus on expands.” If you are focused on fear of failure, lack, and need, you will get more of that. You will repel potential clients, current clients will quit, creating a snowball effect if you will.

“I see what you’re saying Erin, but how do I shift out of this mindset?” I’m so glad you asked!

Instead of asking yourself what can others do for you, ask “How many people can I serve today?” This shifts your thoughts to service, showing others that you really care about them, that you want to help make a difference in their lives. People you come into contact with will automatically feel cared for, supported and served. You will start to attract a steady stream of clients, of people who want to support you and tell others about what you do. They will eagerly send people your way.

When having conversations with others, instead of asking yourself, “What’s in it for me,” ask “How can I help them?” They will automatically see you come from a place of service, will deeply appreciate it, and most likely, they will ask themselves the same question. Coming from this place of service will help your business grow in ways you couldn’t imagine!

For the next 7 days, give this a try. Every morning, before you get out of bed, ask yourself, “How many people can I serve today?” This will excite you and shift you into abundance mindset, attracting to you new, exciting opportunities, growing your business more quickly than you could imagine.

I want to hear how this goes for you, the transformations you create and the new opportunities that come your way.

I can’t wait to hear all that comes your way in the next 7 days!


 “How can I be useful, of what service can I be? There is something inside me, what can it be?” ~Vincent Van Gogh


Erin Summ works with women in their first year of business who struggle getting clients because they lack confidence in themselves. They fear failure, having to go back to a “J.O.B,” and not fulfilling their calling to make a difference in the world. Everything she does is about a confidence breakthrough to help them bust through those old, limiting beliefs in order to thrive and make the difference they were put on this planet to make. As a woman who was once very shy, and is now confidently running a thriving business, she has seen many women in business fail because they lack the confidence needed to build a business. She helps them see their own value and the value in the service they provide so they can fulfill their vision to make a big impact.

Fill out the form below to receive Erin’s free report, 5 Mindset Must-Haves for Ultimate Profits and Prosperity. To learn more about Erin and the services she provides, visit her website at www.erinsumm.com