Truman Capote once said, “Failure is the condiment that gives success it’s flavor.” So many people are afraid if they reach for their dreams, that they will fail. Failure can be painful, can cause setbacks. I get it. It’s not easy. However, when you study success, you will see that the most successful people ever, on the face of the entire planet, fail hundreds, if not thousands of times before creating success. What if Thomas Edison had given up on the light bulb after his first, 500th, or 900th failure? We might still be sitting here in the dark! Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper job for lacking “imagination,” and went through seven bankruptcy’s. Oprah was fired from her first TV job because she wasn’t “fit for TV.” What if these people had given up because they “failed?” Can you imagine the world without Oprah???

Here’s what failure is. It is an opportunity for you to grow, to learn what not to do, to become better, to create even bigger successes, and to be able to encourage others because you did it, and they can to.

Are you willing to face all the failures in order to get to success?