Courage or Fear, Which Will You Choose?

Courage or Fear, Which Will You Choose?

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication, persistence, personal growth, and most of all, courage. Courage is taking action IN SPITE of fear, something we all have. Fears of success, of failure, of the unknown, of being seen, of not being good...
Self-Care Quick Tips

Self-Care Quick Tips

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about Self-Care. As women entrepreneurs, we tend to go, go, go and push ourselves really hard to create the success we want and sometimes we work way too hard and we burn ourselves out. A couple things you can do to avoid burn out,...
Are Your Interpretations Stopping You?

Are Your Interpretations Stopping You?

Interpretations are the fourth big energy block holding you back from success. The past few weeks we have talked about gremlins or the inner critic, limiting beliefs and assumptions. Today I want to talk about interpretations. What is an interpretation? It is an...
Assumptions Holding You Back?

Assumptions Holding You Back?

This is part seven in a series on how to create your best year ever as an introverted woman entrepreneur. If you have not read part six, you can read it here. Today I want to talk about Assumptions, one of the four big energy blocks that hold you back from your dreams...