I spent the last three days at a “Millionaire Mind Intensive” through Peak Potentials, a program designed by T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. The seminar was PACKED with personal growth, mindset changes and empowerment, along with ways of creating more wealth through passive income streams.

I walked away a different person. One of the biggest lessons I learned was about courage. I learned that courage is taking action IN SPITE of fear, something we all have. Fears of success, of failure, of the unknown…the list goes on and on. We have a choice when faced with fear. We run, hide and take cover until the fear is gone, or we step up, feel the fear, and do it anyway. We take the opportunity to get out of our comfort zone, moving us forward towards our dreams and desires or we stay in the zone and live an ok life, keeping our dreams just that. Dreams.

One of the most powerful questions to ask yourself when making a choice is, “Is this decision taking me towards my goals?” If your answer is “no,” I would also ask yourself “why am I holding back? What is my fear? What is the WORST that can happen if I take this risk? If I decide not to take myself forward towards my goal, what could I miss out on?”

You see, most people let their fears control them and never create the lives of their dreams. A big difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is courage. Facing the fear and doing it anyway. Stepping out of their comfort zone. Giving it all they’ve got. Doing anything it takes to get there.

So I ask you, where are you holding back? Are your decisions taking you towards your goals? What’s the worst that can happen if you felt the fear and did it anyway?

I challenge you to do ONE thing out of your comfort zone, within the next 7 days, to move you towards a goal. When you do it, CELEBRATE! I would love to hear all about it too, so leave me a comment.