I got the idea for today’s blog during Zumba class. Can’t say that happens too often. Ok, let’s be honest, it’s never happened. You can imagine my surprise when the ideas started flowing through my mind after Mallory, our instructor, said to those complaining of the hard cardio work, “When there’s no challenge, there’s no change.”

I loved that she said that, as it not only applies to our workouts, but to our entire lives. When we stay within our comfort zone, we stay safe, secure, unchallenged, and stagnant. Are we moving forward towards our dreams? Our aspirations? Making positive change in our lives, and the lives of others? Probably not.

We change and grow when we push ourselves past our comfort zone. When we feel the fear and do it anyway. When we’re tired, but we do another set of squats. When we stand up in front of a group of strangers to give a speech and our knees knock together.

Is it scary to push ourselves to where we get uncomfortable? Yep. Does it make us vulnerable? Absolutely. Does it make us stretch, grow and be successful at our endeavors? You bet your tookus!

You’re probably thinking, “ok, yea, I GET it! I need to be uncomfortable, step out of my comfort zone, blah, blah, blah, but HOW do I get myself to do it?” Good question!

When you are feeling called to stretch your comfort zone, but are feeling fearful, ask yourself these questions –

  • What’s more important-to stay “safe,” and comfy, or to feel the fear and push myself so that I can get closer to living my vision?
  • What do I want, and why do I want it?
  • You want to determine if your vision is compelling enough for you to push yourself forward. Are you doing it for yourself or someone else? Make sure it is YOUR vision, not someone else’s. Adding loved ones into your vision is an excellent motivator, but only if it is truly your vision. The clearer you are on what you want and why, the easier it is to take the leap.
  • What’s the worst thing that can happen?

Asking yourself these questions will help you to shut down the inner critic trying to hold you back and to move you forward. Take baby steps if you need to. It doesn’t matter the size of your steps, as long as you are moving forward.


I want to hear from you, what will you do today to challenge yourself to create a change?


For more tips, get my free videos, 7 Keys to Confidence here…


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. S...


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